Vineyard Elementary- Back to school Open House: Wednesday August 19th 5:00-6:30 PM
Here is a list of items that will be helpful for your child to have in our class. They are not required but if your child wants to shop for school supplies these items will be helpful to them and the class.
• Dry Erase Markers (1-2 preferably black)
• Glue Sticks
• Hand Sanitizer
• A box of Kleenex
This year we are asking for a $15.00 class donation to cover the cost of supplies, incentives, special projects and hopefully field trips. The amount of money we receive determines the activities we are able to plan. Donations will be accepted at Back To School Night or at your earliest convenience. Please make checks payable to Vineyard Elementary.
~Mrs. Barber
I am impressed already! Thanks for setting up such a schnazzy blog spot!!
Sophie Glenn's Mom